When you contract with ACI, we help build a team to fulfil the needs of all clients, and we bring in specialists for geophysical surveys, faunal analysis, and specialized artifact analysis, as needed. This team is led by our senior staff, which meets and exceeds the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Qualifications for professionals working in the field of historic preservation. Our services play a key role in the environmental planning phase of construction projects, including roadways, residential development, re-development, utilities, and natural resource extraction, as per local, state, and federal regulations.

ACI services are designed to comply with Section 106 of the NHPA as it requires cultural resources to be taken into consideration during the planning of federally funded, permitted, and mandated projects by the Army Corps of Engineer (ACOE), NASA, US Forest Service, Homeland Security, and other agencies. ACI services also comply with Florida Statue 267 and 373 and Chapter 1A-46 of the Florida Administrative Code. ACI is familiar with various county and city ordinances requiring cultural resource assessment and we tailor our services to meet those needs.



ACI is experienced in:

Consultation between state and federal agencies, and the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), to determine each project’s Area of Potential Effect (APE) and known cultural resources within and adjacent to the APE.

The development of survey strategies to identify archaeological sites, historic structures, and other cultural resources in the APE.

Recording site features and structures for various inventory forms and evaluating eligibility per National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) criteria.

Analysis of artifacts and preparation for curation at a federally-approved facility.

The preparation of a draft and final report describing the project’s results and recommendations.