ACI has provided CRM services to NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center since 1990. ACI developed a KSC-wide archaeological site location predictive model, covering more than 100,000 acres. All sites were documented and evaluated for National Register of Historic Places eligibility. ACI’s baseline maps are now part of the KSC Geographic Information System (GIS) database. ACI also developed a historic context for KSC, from the time of first European contact to the Space Age, formulated a predictive model for the location of historic archaeological sites, and performed limited reconnaissance-level field survey to “ground-truth” the model.
ACI also prepared KSC’s original and updated Cultural Resource Management Plan (KSC-PLN-1733) and performed KSC-wide historic properties surveys in the context of both the Apollo Program and the Space Shuttle Program. Coordinating with NASA, ACI has assisted in the drafting of agreement documents addressing both archaeological site management and the treatment of historic properties and documentation packages in accordance to the National Park Service’s Historic American Building Survey/Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER) standards. Finally, ACI prepared a National Historic Landmark nomination for the space shuttle orbiter Discovery.