ACI hires trained individuals from the field crew to the project managers to ensure we have quality staff for all phases.

Our team includes a variety of professionals with a deep understanding of Florida’s history, as well as the industry knowledge, corporate continuity, and creativity needed in these rapidly changing times. ACI pioneered many of the best practices that are now considered industry standard today and we continue to lead in innovative and cost-effective strategies to solve any cultural resource challenge. ACI has the technological readiness and years of expertise to solve any potential Chapter 267, 373, or 872, Section 106, NAGPRA, or fortuitous find issues a client may encounter.

Marion M. Almy, M.A., RPA


NRHP eligibility, Historic Preservation, Section 106, Chapters 267 and 872, F.S., Section 4(f)

Years in CRM: 48 | Years at ACI: 48


Marion Almy is a Registered Professional Archaeologist with over 45 years of experience in all facets of Cultural Resource Management. She received her B.A. in Anthropology from Florida State University and M.A. in Public Archaeology from the University of South Florida. Ms. Almy’s extensive experience includes working with federal, state, and local laws and regulations affecting the identification, evaluation, and treatment of cultural resources. She has completed advanced training in Section 106 Agreement Document Preparation, Integrating NEPA and Section 106 and the Revised Section 106 regulations.

In addition, Ms. Almy is experienced in facilitating the coordination of historic preservation issues and Florida’s growth management legislation through her tenure on local and regional planning boards and historical commissions. She has and continues to serve on the boards of state and national organizations, including the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the American Cultural Resource Association, and the Florida Public Archaeological Network (FPAN). She is the past president of the Florida Anthropological Society and the Florida Archaeological Council, as well as the secretary of the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation and she has been elected chairman of the Florida National Register Review Board, on several occasions. Previously served as gubernatorial appointed Chairman of the Florida Historical Commission.


FUN FACT ABOUT ME: Originally wanted to be a classical archaeologist but it was all Greek to me!

Maranda Almy Kles, Ph.D., RPA


Bioarchaeology, Cemetery Research, Southwest Florida Archaeology, NAGPRA Compliance, Section 106, Chapters 267 and 872, F.S., Section 4(f),  Archaeological Monitoring

Years in CRM: 22 | Years at ACI: 7
[email protected]

Maranda Kles is a Registered Professional Archaeologist with over 10 years of experience in prehistoric archaeology and physical anthropology specializing in Southeastern archaeology and bioarchaeology. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Florida and her thesis examined the biological and cultural associations of skeletal samples from throughout Florida. Dr. Kles has continued to expand on this research and has developed research interests in forensic anthropology and Southeastern archaeology.

She has worked as an archaeologist and physical anthropologist for the Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) of the National Park Service, various Cultural Resource Management firms and universities in Florida and Louisiana. She is a former Death Investigator and currently conducts skeletal analyses for Medical Examiner and Coroner offices, as well as for museums and other agencies. In addition, Dr. Kles’ expertise includes an understanding of Southeastern culture history and its importance to implementing the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Dr. Kles is a member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Florida Anthropological Society, and the Southeastern Archaeological Conference. She is currently a Director on the board for the Florida Archaeological Council, and she is the Second Vice President for the Florida Anthropological Society. 


FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I have two archaeological sites named after me. I also teach veterinary osteology to forensic veterinarians.

Kimberly M. Irby, LEED AP


Late 19th to Mid-20th Century Architecture, Analyzing the Built Environment, Environmental & Social Sustainability, Section 106, Chapters 267 and 872, F.S., Section 4(f), Historic Preservation

Years in CRM: 14 | Years at ACI: 9

Kim Irby received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Meredith College and her Master of Fine Arts in Architectural History from the Savannah College of Art and Design. She has over ten years’ experience working in the fields of architectural history, land surveying, engineering researching and evaluating the built environment. Ms. Irby’s strengths lie in applying analytical and research-based methods to decision making and innovative problem-solving processes. Ms. Irby has conducted small-scale and intensive level cultural resource assessment surveys throughout the states of Georgia and Florida.

As architectural historian, Ms. Irby has proven ability to perform historical site assessments in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Ms. Irby regularly conducts background research and historical/architectural field surveys to identify and evaluate historic resources for listing in the NRHP and local registries.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I regularly volunteer for beach cleanups.

Lee Hutchinson, M.A., RPA


Lead on all FDOT Projects, Lab Director, DOT Ponds Expert, PD&E Studies, Archaeological Monitoring

Years in CRM: 38 | Years at ACI: 34

Lee Hutchinson, a Registered Professional Archaeologist, received her B.A. in Anthropology from Marshall University in West Virginia and her M.A. in Anthropology, with an emphasis in cultural resource management, from the University of South Florida. She serves as ACI’s liaison to numerous professional organizations, was past president of the Florida Archaeological Council, past chair of the Hillsborough County Historical Resources Review Board, and served on the Board of Directors of the Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) for 10 years. She is also a member of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, the World Archeological Congress, the Florida Anthropological Society, and the Central Gulf Coast Archaeological Society.

Prior to coming to ACI she served as the Sarasota County Archaeologist, and Archaeologist for the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council. She is lead archaeologist on all FDOT projects, and is responsible for collections management including the accessioning and treatment of cultural materials in compliance with pertinent federal and state regulations. In addition, Ms. Hutchinson has training in Cemetery Resources Protection and monitoring GPR surveys conducted at known and undocumented cemetery sites.


FUN FACT ABOUT ME: Love exploring garbage dumps and finding treasure and have participated in official Garbology Archaeological Studies.

Elizabeth A. Horvath, M.A., RPA


Predictive Modeling, Florida Archaeology, Arkansas Archaeology

Years in CRM: 42 | Years at ACI: 29

Elizabeth Horvath, a Registered Professional Archaeologist, received her B.A. in Anthropology from Cleveland State University and her M.A. in Anthropology with an emphasis in cultural resource management from the University of South Florida. Ms. Horvath manages ACI’s Tallahassee Area office and serves as ACI’s liaison with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and State Archaeologist. She has over 30 years of experience.

Before joining ACI, Ms. Horvath led the Compliance Section of the Investigation and Evaluation Branch of the National Park Service’s Southeast Archaeological Center in Tallahassee and also served as a Principal Investigator and Archaeologist. Ms. Horvath has had specialized training in OSHA Regulations for Construction Supervisors (Competent Person: Excavation, Trenching and Shoring), OSHA Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Emergency Response, Telecommunications Towers: NEPA and NHPA Review, and Cemetery Maintenance/Repair. She is currently the President of the Wakulla County Historical Commission and has been a board member of the Florida Anthropological Society. She is also a member of the Florida Archaeological Council, the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, and the Arkansas Archaeological Society.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I volunteer for the Fuller Center repairing houses to help keep low income people safely in their homes.

Christine Newman, M.A., RPA


Florida Archaeology, Historic Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, NRHP Eligibility

Years in CRM: 42 | Years at ACI: 21

Christine Newman, a Registered Professional Archaeologist, has over 30 years of professional experience in archaeology and cultural resource management. She received her B.A. from the University of Florida and her M.A. in Anthropology from the University of South Florida. Before joining ACI, she was employed by the Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research (BAR), Division of Historical Resources (DHR) as an Archaeologist, and Archaeologist Supervisor. She supervised the CARL Archaeological Program, responsible for identifying, recording, and assessing cultural resources on state preservation lands.

Ms. Newman has also served as the City Archaeologist for St. Augustine, Florida, and as an adjunct professor at St. Johns River Community College in St. Augustine. Presently, she serves on the St. Johns County Cultural Resource Review Board. Ms. Newman manages ACI’s St. Augustine office and is responsible for overseeing its daily operation, as well as ACI’s projects in the region.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Tunisia, North Africa.

Nelson Rodriguez, M.A., RPA


Site Interpretation and Preservation, Archaeological Field Operations, GIS Archeometry Analyst, Archaeological Monitoring

Years in CRM: 24 | Years at ACI: 19

Nelson Rodriguez, a Registered Professional Archaeologist, has 23 years of professional experience in public archaeology and cultural resource management in Florida and Texas. He earned his MA from the University of South Florida where he focused on the protohistoric period of the Apalachicola area. His current research focuses on the application of digital and remote sensing technologies in predictive models or research, especially in coastal zones. In addition to project planning, remote sensing technologies like LiDAR and Ground Penetrating Radar are used in the analysis of data or in additional exploration. These technologies are especially useful for re-discovery of “lost” or unmarked burials as well illustration of morphological changes to archaeological landscapes where time may have partially erased historic land use features. Nelson is experienced with compliance in Section 106 (National Historic Preservation Act) and Chapter 267 of Florida Statutes (Florida Historic Resources Act). Mr. Rodriguez was previously employed by Texas Parks and Wildlife as a park archaeologist and biological resource specialist. While there, he was responsible for the management and protection of all cultural and natural resources for Big Bend Ranch State Park (312,000 acres), managed GIS field data (Trimble hardware/software, ArcGIS), as well as recommending and implementing mitigation strategies for natural or cultural resources. As the senior Field Archaeologist, he is Wilderness Medicine Certified (NOLS) and AED certified, he has also completed training in OSHA construction safety, and has experience monitoring industrial activities within a state registered site. Nelson serves as a Senior Archaeologist, GIS Specialist, and is responsible for assisting with research design, as well as GIS, LiDAR, and geophysical analysis.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I’m a dog whisperer.

Jean Lammie, PH.D., RPA


Historical Archaeology, Public Archaeology

Years in CRM: 10  |  Years at ACI: 4

Jean Lammie has over 6 years of professional experience in public archaeology and historical archaeology in Florida and the Chesapeake. She earned her M.A. in early American history and Public History from the University of South Florida in 2010 and earned her Ph.D. in Applied Anthropology from the University of South Florida in 2024. Her research focuses on interactions between Seminoles, soldiers, and settlers during the early nineteenth century. Prior to joining ACI, Jean taught university courses and worked on numerous local public archaeology projects. Jean is an active member of Time Sifters Archaeology Society, Society for Historical Archaeology, Southeastern Archaeological Conference, and Florida Anthropological Society.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I am the Executive Director of Reflections of Manatee, an inclusive history museum in Manatee County. 

Joe Bomberger, M.A., RPA


GIS Specialist

Years in CRM: 9  |  Years at ACI: 3

Joe Bomberger has more than seven years of experience in cultural resource management. Joe received his BA in Anthropology/Sociology from Elizabethtown College in 2013 and his MA in Applied Archaeology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2020. He is also a Registered Professional Archaeologist. Prior to joining ACI, Joe was an archaeologist for the Allegheny National Forest and the US Virgin Islands National Park. He also conducted compliance review for the Florida Division of Historical Resources. His master’s thesis focused on the utilization and decline of passenger pigeons in Northwestern Pennsylvania, specifically on Haudenosaunee hunting in the 19th century, utilizing documentary and ethnographic accounts as well as GIS modeling and field survey to develop a site predictive model for pigeon hunting camps. Currently he is a Senior Archaeologist and GIS Specialist/Graphic Designer responsible for assisting with research design planning, GIS analysis of data, and the production of high-quality GIS maps and graphics for cultural resource assessment survey reports and Florida Master Site File forms.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I met a black bear in the woods face to face and survived.

Crystal Perrelli, M.A., RPA


Historic Archaeology, Pottery Analysis, Phase II excavations, Archaeological Monitoring

Years in CRM: 6 | Years at ACI: 5

Crystal Perrelli has over 3 years of experience in Florida. She earned her BA in Visual and Emerging Media Management from the University of Central Florida and her MA in Anthropology from the University of South Florida; she is also a Registered Professional Archaeologist. Crystal conducts Phase I cultural resource assessment surveys as a crew chief and participates in Phase II and III excavations. Ms. Perrelli also works with our Department of Transportation team conducting research and preparation of report documents. Ms. Perrelli is versed in the Florida Division of Historical Resources Compliance and Review Section process; she assists project archaeologists in developing research designs, focusing on compliance with Florida Administrative Code stipulations.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I Won the 2021 FAS Student Paper Award for a presentation based on my Masters research.

Justin Winkler, B.A.


Sociopolitical Complexity, Chemical Characterization Analyses, Mediterranean Archaeology

Years in CRM: 29 | Years at ACI: 21

Justin Winkler has more than 20 years of experience in Florida archaeology. He earned his BA in Anthropology from Southern Methodist University and completed graduate course work at the University of South Florida. He conducts Phase I archaeological surveys and participates in the planning and execution of Phase II and III excavations, under the direction of a Principal Investigator. Mr. Winkler is trained in the use of the Trimble 7X and Juno5 GPD devices for accurate and rapid recording of shovel test locations and site data. Justin teams with the GIS specialists to coordinate GIS data communication between the field and office. He also oversees field crews and ensures that they follow all safety procedures, especially on large-scale projects in remote areas of Florida and in Arkansas. As a crew chief he is CPR, First Aid and AED certified; he has also completed training in OSHA construction safety.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I spent 8 years in Central Italy excavating an Etruscan hilltop settlement.

Katie Baar, B.A.


Florida Archaeology, Survey Planning

Years in CRM: 22 | Years at ACI: 17

Katherine Baar has over 15 years of experience in Florida. She earned her BA in anthropology from Florida State University. Katie conducts Phase I cultural resource assessment surveys as a crew chief and participates in Phase II and III excavations. Ms. Baar is versed in the Florida Division of Historical Resources Compliance and Review Section process; she assists project archaeologists in developing research designs, evaluating linear resources per Division of Historical Resources requirements, and quality assurance reviews, focusing on compliance with Florida Administrative Code stipulations. Ms. Baar is trained in the use of the Trimble 7X and Juno 5 GPS devices for accurate recording of shovel tests and site data. As a crew chief she is CPR, First Aid and AED certified, she has also completed training in OSHA construction safety.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I have hiked several sections of the Appalachian Trail.

Amanda Centeno, B.A.


Florida Archaeology, Phase I surveys

Years in CRM: 11 |  Years at ACI: 7

Amanda Centeno has over 5 years of experience in Florida. She earned her BA in Anthropology from the University of South Florida. Amanda conducts Phase I cultural resource assessment surveys as a crew chief and participates in Phase II and III excavations. Ms. Centeno is versed in the Florida Division of Historical Resources Compliance and Review Section process; she assists project archaeologists in developing research designs, focusing on compliance with Florida Administrative Code stipulations. Ms. Centeno is trained in the use of a variety of GPS devices for accurate recording of shovel tests and site data. As a crew chief she is CPR, First Aid and AED certified, she has also completed training in OSHA construction safety.


David Rodriguez, B.A.


Florida Archaeology, Digital Communication

Years in CRM: 10 | Years at ACI: 7

David Rodriguez has over 5 years of experience in Florida. Mr. Rodriguez earned his BA in Anthropology from the University of South Florida. He conducts Phase I cultural resource assessment surveys and participates in Phase II and III excavations. Mr. Rodriguez is versed in the Florida Division of Historical Resources Compliance and Review Section process; he assists project archaeologists in developing research designs, focusing on compliance with Florida Administrative Code stipulations.. Mr. Rodriguez is trained in the use of a variety of GPS devices for accurate recording of shovel tests and site data. As a crew chief he is CPR, First Aid and AED certified, he has also completed training in OSHA construction safety.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: Avid baseball fan, particularly the Tampa Bay Rays.

Mary Maisel, M.A.


Zooarchaeology, Bioarcheology, Prehistoric Archaeology

Years in CRM: 8 | Years at ACI: 3

Mary Maisel has seven years of field experience in Florida. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology in 2017 and completed her Masters Degree in Applied Anthropology from University of South Florida in 2023. Ms. Maisel conducts Phase I archaeological surveys and participates in Phase II and Phase III excavations under the direction of a Principal Investigator. She is versed in the Florida Division of Historical Resources Compliance and Review section process; she assists project archaeologists in developing research designs, focusing on compliance with Florida Administrative Code Stipulations. Ms. Maisel has experience in bioarcheology, zooarchaeology, prehistoric archaeology, and physical anthropology. As a crew chief, she is CPR, first aid, and AED certified. She has also completed training in OSHA safety.


Zack Enfinger, B.A


Florida Archaeology

Years in CRM: 8 |  Years at ACI: 6

Zack Enfinger has six years of field experience in Florida working for state and federal agencies. He earned his BA in Anthropology from the University of South Florida. Zack conducts Phase I cultural resource assessment surveys as a crew chief and participates in Phase II and III excavations. Mr. Enfinger is familiar with the Florida Division of Historical Resources Compliance and Reviews process; he assists project archaeologists in developing research designs, focusing on compliance with Florida Administrative Code stipulations. He is trained in the use of the Trimble 7X and Juno 5 GPS devices for accurate recording of shovel tests and site data. As a crew chief, he is CPR, First Aid and AED certified, and has also completed training in OSHA construction safety.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I took part in a Romanian Bioarch field school excavating and analyzing of medieval burials.

Alec Potter, B.S.


Paleoindian/Clovis Archaeology, Underwater Archaeology (submerged terrestrial landscapes), Geoarchaeology

Years in CRM: 6 | Years at ACI: 6

Alec Potter has four years of experience in Florida. Mr. Potter earned his AS in Anthropology and his BS in Anthropology at Florida State University. He conducts Phase I cultural resource assessment surveys and participates in Phase II and III excavations. Mr. Potter is versed in the Florida Division of Historical Resources Compliance and Review Section process. Mr. Potter is trained in the use of a variety of GPS devices for accurate recording of shovel tests and site data. As a crew chief he is CPR, First Aid and AED certified, and he has completed training in OSHA construction safety.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I’ve jumped out of various aircraft 21 times.

Regina Light, B.A.


Phase I Survey and Phase II Excavation

Years in CRM: 3 | Years at ACI: 2

Regina Light has three years of field experience in Florida. She earned her BA in Anthropology and History from the University of South Florida. Regina conducts Phase I cultural resource assessment surveys as a crew chief and participates in Phase II and II excavations. Ms. Light is familiar with the Florida Division of Historical Resources Compliance and Reviews process; he assists project archaeologists in developing research designs, focusing on compliance with Florida Administrative Code stipulations. He is trained in the use of the Trimble 7X and June 5 GPS devices for accurate recording of shovel tests and site data. As a crew chief, she is CPR, First Aid, and AED certified, and has also completed training in OSHA construction safety.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: : I have excavated a Victorian era dog kennel in Virginia.

Ben Erstling, B.A.


Florida Archaeology, Underwater Archaeology
Years in CRM: 2 | Years at ACI: 2

Ben Erstling has two years of field experience in Florida. He earned his BA in Anthropology from Florida State University. Ben conducts Phase I cultural resource assessment surveys as a crew chief and participates in Phase II and II excavations. Mr. Erstling is familiar with the Florida Division of Historical Resources Compliance and Reviews process; he assists project archaeologists in developing research designs, focusing on compliance with Florida Administrative Code stipulations. He is trained in the use of the Trimble 7X and June 5 GPS devices for accurate recording of shovel tests and site data. As a crew chief, he is CPR, First Aid, and AED certified, and has also completed training in OSHA construction safety.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I am trained in Public Safety Driving and Underwater Crime Scene Investigation.

Savannah Y. Finch, MHP


Historic Preservation, History of Florida Tourism and Roadside Attractions

Years in CRM: 8 | Years at ACI: 5

Savannah Finch received her BA in Anthropology from the University of South Florida and then earned her Masters of Historic Preservation (MHP) from the University of Georgia. Ms. Finch was an architectural historian through the University of Georgia’s FindIt! Program – a statewide cultural resource program sponsored by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources – Historic Preservation Division and Georgia Transmission Corporation. Through this experience she became skilled in field survey methods, vernacular, high-style, and mid-twentieth century architectural identification and documentation, report creation, and mapping through Georgia’s Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources GIS (GNAHRGIS). Ms. Finch developed an expertise in Florida’s roadside attractions and architecture, as well as Florida’s tourism history through her thesis research focusing on assessing the historic integrity of Florida’s spring-based roadside attractions including Silver, Weeki Wachee, Rainbow, and Homosassa Springs. Savannah also has experience in historic archaeology and forensic anthropology. Ms. Finch works primarily on our Department of Transportation and corridor projects team conducting detailed research, survey, and preparation of report documents.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: My free time is spent restoring our ca. 1900 New South cottage in rural Georgia, tending to my vegetable garden, and obsessing over my furbabies.

Kyle Gaylor, M.A.


Adaptive Reuse, Florida History, Early Modern Architecture, Ancient Architecture

Years in CRM: 2 | Years at ACI: 2

Kyle Gaylor received his BA in History and Anthropology from the University of South Florida and then went on to receive an MA in Classical Civilizations from Florida State University and another MA in Architectural and Cultural Heritage from the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Germany. While attending FSU, he also worked as an instructor and a research assistant at the university. Kyle further sharpened his understanding of the National Register of Historic Places and Historic Districts through his thesis focusing on Ybor City, Florida. Kyle also has some experience in historic archaeology.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I play the drums!

Paige Litchfield, B.A.


Historic Preservation, Historical Research and Interpretation

Years in CRM: 2 | Years at ACI: 2

Paige Litchfield received her Bachelor of Arts in Historic Preservation and Community Planning from the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. She has spent the last eight years working with non-profit organizations and has experience in historic interpretation, preservation, and research. A recent Rochester, NY transplant and new to ACI, Paige primarily conducts background research on historic resources, completes FMSF forms, and prepares report documentation.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I’ve lived in 6 different states.

Della Fahnestock, Th.D.


Historical Research, GIS Analysis and Documentation

Years in CRM: 24 | Years at ACI: 15

Della Fahnestock is a historian, researcher and graphics specialist with over six years of ACI experience. She is responsible for conducting archival research, interpreting 19th and 20th century documents and photo collections, and geolocating relevant data features into modern geographic digital settings. She contributes to the production of Florida Master Site File (FMSF) forms, cultural resource assessment survey (CRAS) reports, technical memoranda and documentation for National Register Sites and employs various software solutions to generate graphics for mitigation reports and provides in-house graphic design support. She also serves as an ACI lead technical professional (LTP) for verification and editorial review.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I worked in east Africa for 12 years.

Harley Burgis, M.S., RPA


Zooarchaeology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Microartifact Analysis

Years in CRM: 6 | Years at ACI: 1

Harley Burgis has six years of experience in the Eastern Woodlands/Southeast region and two years of government work experience in historic preservation. She earned her earned her BA in Anthropology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2018 and her MA in Anthropology in 2021 from Florida State University. Harley is responsible for quality assurance and quality control reviews of survey reports for professionalism and compliance with federal, state, and local preservation laws. She also assists with curation of recovered materials for ACI’s North Florida office.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I got married at a public history museum in Pennsylvania. The wedding recessional music was the Indiana Jones theme.

Jennifer Marshall


Technology, Marketing, QA/QC

Years at ACI: 21

Jennifer Marshall has over 15 years of administrative and clerical experience related to the cultural resource management sector. She manages ACI’s day-to-day activities, the clerical staff, and assists the President and Controller at Corporate Headquarters in Sarasota. Mrs. Marshall also handles all report production, client teaming requests for proposals, and is ACI’s in-house IT pro, as well as being a Notary Public in and for the State of Florida.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: Volunteered at the Minnesota Zoo & walked Dingos, interacted with Przewalski’s horses, kid (goats) sat, and wore a tiger costume. Later took classes at Tiger Eye Productions to learn how to work with wolves and big cats.

Thomas W. Crawford


Years at ACI: 32

Thomas Crawford received his B.A. in Economics and Anthropology from the University of Manitoba and his Honors in Business Administration from Western University. His responsibilities include financial reporting, compliance with tax and governmental regulations, project accounting and control, and personnel functions.


Courtney Ferguson, B.S.


Photography, Research

Years at ACI: 3

Courtney Ferguson received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Shawnee State University in Ohio. She managed a bookstore for more than five years before relocating to Florida. Her responsibilities include making travel arrangements for crew members, data entry, tracking and maintaining project lists and systems, and other general administrative tasks.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I’m an avid reader; I typically read at least one book a week.